Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I'm Tired

Yesterday we drove back from Denver after spending a long weekend up in the mountains. This morning I drove Duke to the vet to get "tutored." This afternoon the vet called to say Duke is doing fine.

Right now I am so tired I am in that spacey zoned out state of mind that you reach whenever you have done too much in too little of a time frame. I do have things to write about; the weekend, the bears I saw, the 103 year-old man I met who is still pissed because the FAA took his pilot's license away two years ago, the 80 year-old woman I met who's face I could not take my eyes off of because it was so beautiful, the blizzard over Cameron Pass, the old Elitch theater, the old Elitch's Carousel House, our town's tornado safety plan for the high school, a dream I had, and the fact that I will likely have to find a new template for my blog because something Blogger did screwed mine up. Blogger is pretty much saying it is my problem not theirs. Bastards.

But not today. I'm just too tired.

Well, I managed to fix the template problem by myself. I had a brainstorm and went to my settings and changed the number of days showing on main page from 7 to 10 and then republished. This seems to have fixed whatever was going on.

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