Wednesday, December 09, 2015

What Do You Know, I've Been Doing It All Wrong

The above advice came from this book.

A section of the original page.


Blue Witch said...

So *that* is where I've been going wrong all these years :)

I've bought a new toy - an overlocker (what you'd call a serger). I shall not lead you further astray... yet...

But, blimey, wish I'd known about their possibilities years ago...

la peregrina said...

Don't tempt me! Don't tempt me!

Ally Bean said...

"Looking attractive is a very important part of sewing..."

Huh. Beauty advice + sewing, together. Like you I never knew this. Apparently my 7th grade home-ec teacher failed me on this point.

la peregrina said...

My 8th grade home-ec teacher made us write a fashion description of our sewing project. I felt so silly reading mine. Then she set up a fashion show for us to model our finished creations. I skipped class that day since I was a very self-conscious teenager and the last thing I wanted was to have a class full of girls staring at me.

Zhoen said...

Looked up French Chalk. Talc, talcum powder. I wonder if that would help when I'm eating and trying to use the touch pad but my fingers are too damp.

Maybe a pool cue chalk would work.