Thursday, February 22, 2007

Go Astral Girl

Soaring high in the sky...

I woke up in the wee hours of the morning. You know, that time of day when a soft blanket of stillness and quiet muffles all sound. I was in bed lying on my left side with my knees slightly drawn up to my belly but at the same time a part of me was standing above my body just behind my back. As I lay there I realized that the me lying on the bed had no weight and could not feel the mattress underneath her. Before my mind had a chance to absorb what was happening I felt the standing me spin and drop. It was the same feeling I got as a kid whenever I lost my balance while sitting in a chair tipped onto its back legs. That body falling backward feeling and then dizziness as I tried to recover my balance. In a split-second the standing me was gone and the me lying on the bed felt heavy as the weight of my body pushed against the mattress. It was like being on a fast moving down elevator right at the moment it stops moving. Your body feels like it is sinking as the full effect of gravity hits it. I could feel where my right ankle, left elbow and hip pressed against the sheet underneath me.

I thought,"That was strange," and fell back to sleep.

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