Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Finally finished  Doris Goodwin's book , Team Of Rivals, today. I've been reading it at bedtime for the last 6 months and  was about halfway through it when I realized I needed to up my game.  Today I finished the last 100 pages.  This is a book you are either going to love or hate.  It's long, it's detailed, it's well researched, and it's a fascinating story.  It is the story of Abraham Lincoln and the cabinet he put together consisting of  his political rivals.  Men he felt could help him  grow into the job of President  and run a war.  I did not know  anything about the men Lincoln picked and, after reading the book, I also see that I did not understand just how great a president Abraham Lincoln  really was. Doris Goodwin brought them all to life.


Debbie said...

Lincoln was so many things. He was a political genius, a true statesman, at the core, an ordinary man and at the same time a most extraordinary man! I wouldn't say Lincoln wasn't ambitious, he most certainly was, but the ambition never seemed to sway his moral character. In my opinion, and I'm not alone in this by a long shot, he has been by far our country's greatest President. In this day and age, could we ever see the likes of him again? I doubt it. Too bad. We need another great man........badly!

Rain Trueax said...

I've heard it's a good book but no way can I read a lot for pleasure right now. I'll keep it in mind for the future.

la peregrina said...

Debbie- totally agree.
Rain- reading for pleasure is keeping me sane right now. I also finished "Life After Life" by Kate Atkinson and enjoyed it. I'm planning to read "My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry" by Fredrik Backman as soon as I finish re-reading the "A Wrinkle In Time" trilogy. I haven't read the books in decades. Always fun to go back and re-read a book (A Wrinkle In Time) you loved as a child.

Rain Trueax said...

I can see the appeal but I have to edit... ack ack ack! I wanted to start the fifth in this series but given how upsetting things have been for me (think heavy weight on my heart) maybe taking a writing break and reading would be better. Right now I tend to favor nonfiction and there are some books here in the Tucson house that I've read and loved and maybe could reread without emotional strain lol

la peregrina said...

Yep, sometimes a break is good think. It give you mind a chance to percolate in the background.