Wednesday, February 01, 2017

“Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses Yearning To Breathe Free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
-Emma Lazarus’ sonnet, New Colossus (1883)

Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News.


Rain Trueax said...

there is an interesting history to both the Statue of Liberty (not about immigration) and the reason for that poem, which came later. There is also a very funny video out there showing Bill Clinton and then Obama saying pretty much what Trump is now saying on immigration. I am not posting it anywhere because frankly I figure lefties and righties already have their minds made up and their rat is always correct-- on either side ;). Sometimes I wish I was one or the other. It'd make political thinking at least easier

la peregrina said...

There is a difference between stopping illegal immigration and stopping people who have valid visas and green cards from returning or entering the country just because they are coming from Muslim counties. The fact that the Muslim countries that do business with Donald Trump are not on this list makes it even more abhorrent since that proves this is nothing but a political move on Trump's part.

Rain Trueax said...

Well, considering the 7 countries were on Obama's warning list and are basically violent countries without reliable governments, which is what makes vetting from there difficult, I can't see him building a hotel there but hey the left has to find something to complain about where it comes to him. The bad part of this is the end result will be like crying the sky is falling too often, people will quit listening when they should be paying attention to real risks. The green card imbroglio was theirs for poorly wording what was ordered, and it's been corrected from what I read.

In the meantime, Berkley students were setting fires over not wanting to allow a speaker they didn't like. They blocked Bill Maher earlier over the same argument but different ideas-- Berkley, a major university and they don't want to listen to alternate ideas. I hope that those on the left understand how those on the right see a lot of this including the concern over failed states (as they currently stand thanks to wars that we often had something to do with) where they are promoting lone wolf terrorism. I don't have an answer for places like Somalia but Obama didn't do anything to help it and with increasing the wars to Libya, he made some critical mistakes in the Middle East. The US picked a side in a civil war and helped them win which enabled terrorism organizations to grow also with the people there caught in a horror. I think there is blame enough to go around for where we are and it might get worse with Trump. I didn't vote for him out of concern for what he'd do but not like I saw Hillary with good solutions either...

la peregrina said...

What Obama or any past president did or didn't do no longer matters now. What matters is what this Administration is doing. I agree violence is wrong and what happened in Berkley should never have happened. But downplaying the bigoted, misogynist, racist statements of Milo Yiannopoulas by calling them alternate ideas is something I don't understand. You could also say Adolph Hitler had alternate ideas. Hate speech is hate speech.

Rain Trueax said...

I have never read his ideas or book; so don't know what he espouses. He is a gay libertarian, that's all I know about him. I didn't really want to go looking for his quotes given I am trying to get a book written, but maybe I will. He was invited by the young Republicans. I know that when Maher protested for being invited to speak at a graduation there, not sure if it took or if he got to speak, it was because he had said Islam has a section of it that encourages abuse of women, killing of gays, violence against anyone not of their religion, etc. etc. Another right winger said they protested him anytime he spoke anywhere for his ideas. The question is do we have to block someone else from speaking when we think their ideas are 'evil' which is what the left is claiming about this Milo guy. The kids can't hear the ideas out of fear they will believe them or be brainwashed or what is the fear of listening to weird ideas?

I'll have to look at what this guy has said. I guess the demonstrations are leading to sales... And Obama matters because he's not close to gone and many will regard him as a wonderful president who currently speaks for the democratic party.

And I am not going to comment on the newest blog here because again, I didn't get the story except here. I don't know if it's true or another false news. Trump though got elected thanks to fundamentalists; so not too surprising if he wants to reward them and it appears he is doing that. He did run on it. Now off to look at someone's writings who I can't imagine normally looking at.

By the way, I am moving around my blog list and if you plan to just write on politics now, I could put yours onto my political rant blog with others I am moving. For those who will be writing on various topics, I'll keep them with Rainy Day Thoughts but it's going to be totally apolitical. I had to remove one blog I used to like from the roll totally because it had gone to the ugly level. Meaningful discussion is positive and encouraged especially on my rant.

la peregrina said...

Sweetie, do what you need to do. Moving my blog to another list will not hurt my feeling. I will be writing more political posts than I used to for at least the next two years so it's probably a good idea. Seen you on the other side. :)

Rain Trueax said...

It's not personal for me either. It's wanting the blog lists to be useful. Some write on both and it doesn't keep them pushing one agenda. The rant will probably grow in numbers as I post there more often. I am stopping new ones for Rain Trueax as I have to put more into the books or I am not taking care of my main job.

Rain Trueax said...

I think I'll add you there but keep you on Thoughts for awhile. You may pick up more readers from the rant than thoughts.

la peregrina said...

Ok and thanks. Good luck on the books. I remember you writing about how much energy it takes to promote them. It's a lot of work.

Rain Trueax said...

Right now the most problem for me is making myself write the next one. It's complicated where it goes into politics, reincarnation and the 'other' side. I find myself constantly drawn back to what's going on politically and that doesn't help my book lol The rant is getting more attention from me and it does not help the grandkids go to college

Blue Witch said...

"What Obama or any past president did or didn't do no longer matters now."

Oh but my goodness it does. The instability in the Middle East is American driven and sadly our past misguided American-ass-licking-governments got us embroiled too.

One has to consider recent history to understand where Trump is coming from now. I don't agree with what he is doing, but something different has to be done, and it wasn't going to be done by another Clinton Dynsasty.