Monday, March 26, 2018

Where Have All The Children Gone?

I took a bus down to Denver Saturday for the March For Our Lives and the driver on the bus back shared his views on gun control (against) with some of the people on the bus. I was only half listening to him. At one point he started talking about human trafficking and said 1,800 kids a day disappear in Colorado. I got out my phone and did the math: 1,800 kids/day x 365 days/year = 657,000 kids/year. This, according to the US Census Bureau, in a state were the number of children between the ages of birth to 17 is 625,190. If what he said was true, I think we would notice. People have got to start questioning the crap they are being told.


tristan said...

he needs a checklist of rhetological fallacies ...

la peregrina said...

So does almost everyone on the internet. Love your link.

Blue Witch said...

Trouble is, people believe what they hear/read, mindlessly, without thinking whether it can possibly be true, and without checking for original sources.

People don't understand statistics, or numbers, these days.

Now I just tune out of/walk away from any conversations that start with, "Do you know what I read on Farcebook?" Sooner or later I am accidentally going to say, "No, and I don't give a f*** as it will all be sh**!!!"

la peregrina said...

I like that reply. :)