Monday, January 25, 2021

The Wheels On The Cart Go 'Round And 'Round

My dog Belle could no longer go on her normal walks because of her arthritis and I noticed that not doing so made her depressed. We were putting her in the car and driving her to the park and letting her walk around for a bit but that didn't seem to be enough. So we bought her a dog cart.

Belle in her dogcart waiting to go for a walk. She was a bit worried on the first walk but when she realized that the cart took her to the park where she could get out, sniff around for a few minutes, and meet people and dogs she hasn't seen in some time, she decided she loved it.

It took a few trips but she now knows she can lie down and enjoy the sites and smells as we walk to and from the park. In fact, we have reached the point where she no longer sees us as those great people who figured out a way to take her on walks again but as her servants. She is very regal now and will start scratching at the mesh if we are not quick enough when letting her out at the park.


Nic said...


Debbie said...

I love people who love their dogs!!! I've got news for you, I have a two year old English bulldog (Augie) and he KNOWS I am his servant(or his mom, which in his eyes is the same thing). I say if you aren't willing to spoil them and meet their needs then you shouldn't have them. Dogs are incredible creatures and try so hard to understand us. They deserve to be spoiled. Kudos to you!!!